Historic Earthquakes and Volcanoes

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Historic Earthquakes and Volcanoes

Use the links below, or those of your choosing, to research an historic volcano or earthquake. You must, at a minimum, tell: 1) when and where the disaster occurred, 2) how many, if any, were killed and/or displaced, 3) how long the disaster occurred, 4) details about what is known about the disaster. (The last part should include what type of volcanic eruption occurred or what type of plate motion was involved.) You will receive up to 20 points for your individual effort. The more you make this your own, rather than copy answers directly from the websites, the more points you will receive.

Download a worksheet you can use to help organize your thoughts here.

You need to include photographs, I can help if you don’t know how to capture these from the internet. You also MUST include citations for both information and photographs. While quotes are acceptable, at least 80% of the writing must be your own.

APA citation style                          Avoiding Plagiarism


Nyiragonga Global Volcanism Program- history

Nyiragonga BBC News- history

Nyiragonga- fatalities

Nyiragonga- IRIS

Nyiragonga- basic geology photovolcanica

Kelut, Indonesia- multiple volcanoes

Kelut, Island of Java volcano

Kelut- February 1990 

Krakatoa history and geology

Krakatoa- Unraveling Krakatoa’s secrets- BBC

Krakatoa- LiveScience

How Volcanoes Work- SDSU

Mount Saint Helens history

10 deadliest volcanoes

Video of eruption

Mt. St. Helens- LiveScience

History- Mt St. Helens- mtsthelens.com

Duration- lots of images as well

Displaced persons- at least a reference


Pinatubo- 1991 eruption (USGS site)

Pinatubo- “The Sleeping Giant Awakens


Volcano discovery

April 10, 1815- Tambora Explosion Triggers  “Volcanic Winter” - Wired

Tambora, Sumbawa, Indonesia- Oregon State

Top 10 Famous Volcanoes- Tambora is number 4


Tajikistan- January3, 2010

DREF report PDF report of Tajikistan earthquake

Gediz, Turkey 1970

6 famous earthquakes

1811 New Madrid Earthquake- USGS

Strange Happenings- New Madrid Earthquake 1811

Haiti 2010- Haiti devastated by massive earthquake

Anatomy of a Caribbean Earthquake    Facts 3 years later   

Haiti Fatalities- CNN report   Environmental impact   Political dissent 

Haiti displaced persons- Huffington Post from AP

Videos: Caught on tape

Kanto Earthquake- Japanese Prints

Potential earthquake- Japan awaits the big one (before the 2011 tsunami)

Fukishima- Japan 2011

Two Years Later, Japan Time- includes displaced persons

Japan Earthquake- Tsunami Fast facts Timeline

Japan Hit by 7.3 magnitude earthquake- Huffington Post

Poleshifting- Facts about the 2011 earthquake

Japan Earthquake, Tsunami and Nuclear Crisis- Scientific American

Videos: Aerial view of Tsunami; German video; Korean video; Tsunami hits port; emotional footage; Unbelieveable footage; Earth opening and closing (P-wave); pool hit by earthquake

 Brett Dooley Website Maintained since 2011 Last Updated July 2019