Pop. Calc. Set 2

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Bioville has a population of about 250,000 people. Last year there were 12,000 births and 10,000 deaths in the city.

1)  What is the birth rate of Bioville? What is the death rate?

2) What is the total growth rate? Is it growing or shrinking in population?

Ecoland has 2.3 million people. In the year after the last census, there were 109,000 new children born and 111,000 people died.

3)  What is the birth rate of Ecoland? What is the death rate?

4) What is the total growth rate? Is it growing or shrinking in population?

In The Incredibles there was a dynamic population of about 1500 "supers". If 30 "supers" were born one year and 15 were killed in fighting the powers of evil.

5)  What was the growth rate that year of the "supers"?

6) In Ecoland (From questions 3 and 4), what will the population be at the end of the next year, assuming the same growth rate?

7) In Bioville (from questions 1 and 2), what will the population be in 3 years?

 Brett Dooley Website Maintained since 2011 Last Updated July 2019