Image from Palaeos.com
Throughout the semester you will be working alone or with a partner to develop a scale timeline of Earth's history. In this timeline you must use a uniform distance to represent time, and must write down what that scale is (like 1 mm equals 1 million years, though you probably don’t want to use that). For each item you must include:
a) the time (with appropriate eon, era, period, epoch information and a time estimate),
b) a picture (if not original you must cite your source; I prefer that you do your own art even if you are a lousy artist like I am), and
C) a brief description of the event written in your own words (citations should be included).
Events that must be included:
From the Hadean, Archaean, and Proterozoic Eons you must have: 1) formation of the Earth, 2) formation of the Moon, 3) the Late Heavy Bombardment, 4) first life, 5) first photosynthetic life, 6) first eukaryotes, 7) first multicellular life, 8) oxygenation of the atmosphere, 9) major ice ages, 10) supercontinents.
Within the Phanerozoic, from each Paleozoic and Mesozoic Period (9 total periods), and for each epoch in the Cenozoic (6 total epochs): two events of your choosing should be included. These 30 events can be: first occurrences of organisms, extinctions, supercontinents, ice ages, …
Possible projects
The nature of the project is completely up to you. In the past, students have done: calendars, posters, QR code walks, ceiling murals, … You are limited only by your imagination.
Now, since this is an online class you will have the added onus of capturing your project in a way you can show it to me. You can do this by taking multiple photographs, by video recording the project, or any other means at your disposal.